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Woman-centered care in labor management: Choice, control, continuity

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 72 - 75, 31.08.2023


Woman-centered care sets forth a fundamental philosophical approach for midwives. This approach directs midwives’ roles and clinical practice standards. The main components of woman-centered care services, which include choice, continuity, control, are considered to improve both clinical and psychological outcomes for all women and optimize women’s experiences and satisfaction throughout the labor process. Since the 1990’s, birth centers have utilized the service model advocating putting women at the center of care during labor and in the postpartum period. As for our country, studies that reveal midwives’ care practices based on models/theories are quite limited in number. Using practices based on a midwifery model/theory during the pregnancy, labor, postpartum periods could increase the quality of labor-related services. This review aims to implement and understand woman-centered care practice to the field, clinic, shortly any place where women receive health services in order to understand this care philosophy better.


  • American College of Nurse-Midwives. (n.d.). Our philosophy of care. Erişim tarihi: 16.03.2023, adresinden erişildi.
  • Brady, S., Bogossiana, F., & Gibbons, K. (2016). Development and piloting the woman centred care scale (WCCS). Women Birth. 30(3), 220-226.
  • Barol Kurtoğlu, Z., & Kaya, N. (2019). Doğumda defansif tıp uygulamalarının hasta hakları ve ebelik etik kodları yönünden değerlendirilmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 6(3), 610-620.
  • Borrelli, S. E., Spiby, H., & Walsh, D. (2016). The kaleidoscopic midwife: a conceptual metaphor illustrating first-time mothers’ perspectives of a good midwife during childbirth. A grounded theory study. Midwifery, 39, 103–111.
  • Canadian Association of Midwives. (2017). Canadian Association of Midwives mission and vision. Erişim tarihi: 16.03.2023, mission-vision/ adresinden erişildi.
  • Carolan, M., & Hodnett, E. (2007). With woman’ philosophy: examining the evidence, answering the questions. Nursing Inquiry, 14(2), 140–152.
  • Chaves, C., Marchena, C., Palacios, B., Salgado, A., & Duque, A. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health in Spain: Positive and negative outcomes, Women Birth, 35(3), 254-261.
  • Çiçek Okuyan, Y., Tuna Oran, N., & Öztürk Can, H. (2019). Ebelik uygulama alanlarında yapılan teori ve modele dayalı tezler. Life Sciences, 14(1), 20-29.
  • Dencker, A., Nilsson, C., Begley, C., Jangsten, E., Mollberg, M., Patel, H., ... & Sparud-Lundin, C. (2019). Causes and outcomes in studies of fear of childbirth: A systematic review. Women and Birth, 32(2), 99-111.
  • Department of Health. (1993). Changing Childbirth. Report of the Expert Maternity Group. London: HMSO.
  • Department of Health. (1992). Maternity services. Second report from the House of Commons Health Committee (Chairman: Winterton N). London: HMSO.
  • de Vries, R. (2007). A pleasing birth. Midwives and Maternity Care in the Netherlands, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: TempleUniversity.
  • Ebert, L., Bellchambers, H., Ferguson, A., & Browne, J. (2014). Socially disadvantaged women’s views of barriers to feeling safe to engage in decision-making in maternity care. Women Birth, 27(2), 132–137. wombi.2013.11.003.
  • Flint, C. (1991). Continuity of care provided by a team of midwives the know your midwife scheme. In: Robinson S, Thomson A, (Eds.) Midwives, research and childbirth. Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Floris, L., Irion, O., Bonnet, J., Politis Mercier, M.P., & de Labrusse, C. (2017). Comprehensive maternity support and shared care in Switzerland: comparison of levels of satisfaction. Women Birth. 31(2), 124-33.
  • Fontein-Kuipers, Y., de Groot, R., & Loes van Staa, A. (2018). Woman-centered care 2.0: Bringing the concept into focus. European Journal of Midwifery, 2(5), 1–13.
  • Garcia, J. (1995). Continuity ofcarer in context: what matters to women? In Page L, (Ed.) Effective group practice in midwifery. Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Homer, C. S., Passant, L., Brodie, P. M., Kildea, S., Leap, N., Pincombe, J., & Thorogood, C. (2009). The role of the midwife in Australia: Views of women and midwives. Midwifery, 25(6), 673–681.
  • Hundley, V., Cruickshank, F., Lang, G., Glazener, C. M., Milne, J. M., Turner, M., Blyth, D., Mollison, J., & Donaldson, C. (1994). Midwife managed delivery unit: A randomised controlled comparison with consultant led care. BMJ, 309, 1400-1404.
  • Hundley, V., Cruickshank, F., Milne, J. F., Lang, G., Glazener, C. M., Turner, M., & Blyth, D., Mollison, J. (1995). Satisfaction and continuity of care: Staff views of care in a midwife managed delivery unit. Midwifery, 11, 163-173.
  • Iida, M., Horiuchi, S., & Porter, S. E. (2012). The relationship between women-centred care and women’s birth experiences: A comparison between birth centres, clinics, and hospitals in Japan. Midwifery, 28(4), 398–405.
  • Iida, M., Horiuchi, S., & Nagamori, K. (2014a). A comparison of midwife-led care versus obstetrician-led care for low-risk women in Japan. Women Birth, 27(3), 202–207.
  • International Confederation of Midwives (ICM). (2017). International definition of the midwife. Erişim Tarihi: 16.03.2023. adresinden ulaşıldı.
  • Johnson, M., Stewart, H., Langdon, R., Kelly, P., & Yong, L. (2003). Women-centred care and caseload models of midwifery. Collegian, 10(1), 30–34.
  • Kirkham, M. (2004). Choice and Bureaucracy. In M. Kirkham (Ed.) Informed choice in maternity care (pp. 265–90). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Leap, N. (2009). Woman-centred or women-centred care: Does it matter? British Journal of Midwifery, 17(1), 12-16.
  • Lee, G. (1994). A reassuring familiar face? Nursing Times, 90(17), 66-67.
  • Maputle, M. S., & Donavon, H. (2013). Woman-centred care in childbirth: A concept analysis (Part 1). Curationis, 36(1), E1–8.
  • McIntosh, T., & Hunter, B. (2014). Unfinished business? Reflections on changing childbirth 20 years on midwifery. Midwifery, 30, 279-281.
  • McLachlan, H., Forster, D., Davey, M. A., Farrell, T., Flood, M., Shafiei, T., & Waldenstrom, U. (2016). The effect of primary midwife-led care on women’s experience of childbirth: Results from the COSMOS randomised controlled trial, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 123(3), 465–474.
  • Murray-Davis, B., McDonald, H., Rietsma, A., Coubrough, M., & Hutton, E. (2014). Deciding on home or hospital birth: Results of the ontario choice of birthplace survey. Midwifery, 30(7), 869–76.
  • National Maternity Review. (2016). Better births: improving outcomes of maternity services in England. NHS England.
  • OECD. (2020). Caesarean sections (indicator). Erişim tarihi: 01.02.2023. adresinden erişim sağlandı.
  • RCM. (2000). Life after birth: Reflections on postnatal care. London: Royal College of Midwives.
  • Royal College of Midwives. (2014). High quality midwifery care. London: Royal College of Midwives.
  • Saftner, M. A., Neerland, C., & Avery, M. D. (2017). Enhancing women’s confidence for physiologic birth: Maternity care providers’ perspectives. Midwifery, 53, 28–34.
  • Sandall, J., Soltani, H., Gates, S., Shennan, A., & Devane, D. (2016). Midwife-led continuity models versus other models of care for childbearing women, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4.
  • Sweet, L., Wilson, A. N., Bradfield, Z., Hauck, Y., Kuliukas, L., Homer, C. S. E., Szabo, R. A., Wynter, K., & Vasilevski, V. (2022). Childbearing women’s experiences of the maternity care system in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women and Birth, 35, 223–231.
  • Vural, G., & Erenel, A.Ş. (2017). Doğumun medikalizasyonu neden artmıştır, azaltabilir miyiz?. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 4(2), 76-83.
  • Yanti, Y., Claramita, M., Emilia, O., & Hakimi, M. (2015). Students’ understanding of "Women-Centred Care Philosophy" in midwifery care through Continuity of Care (CoC) learning model: A quasi-experimental study. BMC Nursing, 14, 22.

Doğum yönetiminde kadın merkezli bakım: Seçim, kontrol, süreklilik

Year 2023, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 72 - 75, 31.08.2023


Kadın merkezli bakım, ebeler için temel bir felsefi yaklaşım ortaya koyar. Bu yaklaşım ebenin rolüne ve klinik uygulama standartlarına yön verir. Kadın merkezli bakım hizmetlerinin ana unsurları olan seçim, süreklilik ve kontrolün tüm kadınlar için, hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik sonuçları iyileştireceği ve doğum süreci boyunca kadınların deneyimlerini ve memnuniyetini optimize edeceği öngörülmüştür. Dünya’da 1990’lı yıllardan beri doğum merkezlerinde doğum ve doğum sonrası dönemde kadınların bakımın merkezinde olduğunu savunan hizmet modeli kullanılmaktadır. Ülkemizde ise ebelerin modellere/teorilere dayalı bakım sağladıklarını ortaya koyan çalışmalar oldukça sınırlıdır. Gebelik, doğum ve doğum sonrası dönemde ebelik modeline/teorisine temellenmiş uygulamaların kullanılması, doğuma ilişkin hizmetlerin kalitesini artırabilir. Bu derleme, kadın merkezli bakım uygulamasının sahada, klinikte kısacası kadının sağlık hizmeti aldığı her alanda uygulamaya geçirilmesi ve bu bakım felsefesinin anlaşılabilmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır.


  • American College of Nurse-Midwives. (n.d.). Our philosophy of care. Erişim tarihi: 16.03.2023, adresinden erişildi.
  • Brady, S., Bogossiana, F., & Gibbons, K. (2016). Development and piloting the woman centred care scale (WCCS). Women Birth. 30(3), 220-226.
  • Barol Kurtoğlu, Z., & Kaya, N. (2019). Doğumda defansif tıp uygulamalarının hasta hakları ve ebelik etik kodları yönünden değerlendirilmesi. Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 6(3), 610-620.
  • Borrelli, S. E., Spiby, H., & Walsh, D. (2016). The kaleidoscopic midwife: a conceptual metaphor illustrating first-time mothers’ perspectives of a good midwife during childbirth. A grounded theory study. Midwifery, 39, 103–111.
  • Canadian Association of Midwives. (2017). Canadian Association of Midwives mission and vision. Erişim tarihi: 16.03.2023, mission-vision/ adresinden erişildi.
  • Carolan, M., & Hodnett, E. (2007). With woman’ philosophy: examining the evidence, answering the questions. Nursing Inquiry, 14(2), 140–152.
  • Chaves, C., Marchena, C., Palacios, B., Salgado, A., & Duque, A. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on perinatal mental health in Spain: Positive and negative outcomes, Women Birth, 35(3), 254-261.
  • Çiçek Okuyan, Y., Tuna Oran, N., & Öztürk Can, H. (2019). Ebelik uygulama alanlarında yapılan teori ve modele dayalı tezler. Life Sciences, 14(1), 20-29.
  • Dencker, A., Nilsson, C., Begley, C., Jangsten, E., Mollberg, M., Patel, H., ... & Sparud-Lundin, C. (2019). Causes and outcomes in studies of fear of childbirth: A systematic review. Women and Birth, 32(2), 99-111.
  • Department of Health. (1993). Changing Childbirth. Report of the Expert Maternity Group. London: HMSO.
  • Department of Health. (1992). Maternity services. Second report from the House of Commons Health Committee (Chairman: Winterton N). London: HMSO.
  • de Vries, R. (2007). A pleasing birth. Midwives and Maternity Care in the Netherlands, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: TempleUniversity.
  • Ebert, L., Bellchambers, H., Ferguson, A., & Browne, J. (2014). Socially disadvantaged women’s views of barriers to feeling safe to engage in decision-making in maternity care. Women Birth, 27(2), 132–137. wombi.2013.11.003.
  • Flint, C. (1991). Continuity of care provided by a team of midwives the know your midwife scheme. In: Robinson S, Thomson A, (Eds.) Midwives, research and childbirth. Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Floris, L., Irion, O., Bonnet, J., Politis Mercier, M.P., & de Labrusse, C. (2017). Comprehensive maternity support and shared care in Switzerland: comparison of levels of satisfaction. Women Birth. 31(2), 124-33.
  • Fontein-Kuipers, Y., de Groot, R., & Loes van Staa, A. (2018). Woman-centered care 2.0: Bringing the concept into focus. European Journal of Midwifery, 2(5), 1–13.
  • Garcia, J. (1995). Continuity ofcarer in context: what matters to women? In Page L, (Ed.) Effective group practice in midwifery. Blackwell, Oxford.
  • Homer, C. S., Passant, L., Brodie, P. M., Kildea, S., Leap, N., Pincombe, J., & Thorogood, C. (2009). The role of the midwife in Australia: Views of women and midwives. Midwifery, 25(6), 673–681.
  • Hundley, V., Cruickshank, F., Lang, G., Glazener, C. M., Milne, J. M., Turner, M., Blyth, D., Mollison, J., & Donaldson, C. (1994). Midwife managed delivery unit: A randomised controlled comparison with consultant led care. BMJ, 309, 1400-1404.
  • Hundley, V., Cruickshank, F., Milne, J. F., Lang, G., Glazener, C. M., Turner, M., & Blyth, D., Mollison, J. (1995). Satisfaction and continuity of care: Staff views of care in a midwife managed delivery unit. Midwifery, 11, 163-173.
  • Iida, M., Horiuchi, S., & Porter, S. E. (2012). The relationship between women-centred care and women’s birth experiences: A comparison between birth centres, clinics, and hospitals in Japan. Midwifery, 28(4), 398–405.
  • Iida, M., Horiuchi, S., & Nagamori, K. (2014a). A comparison of midwife-led care versus obstetrician-led care for low-risk women in Japan. Women Birth, 27(3), 202–207.
  • International Confederation of Midwives (ICM). (2017). International definition of the midwife. Erişim Tarihi: 16.03.2023. adresinden ulaşıldı.
  • Johnson, M., Stewart, H., Langdon, R., Kelly, P., & Yong, L. (2003). Women-centred care and caseload models of midwifery. Collegian, 10(1), 30–34.
  • Kirkham, M. (2004). Choice and Bureaucracy. In M. Kirkham (Ed.) Informed choice in maternity care (pp. 265–90). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Leap, N. (2009). Woman-centred or women-centred care: Does it matter? British Journal of Midwifery, 17(1), 12-16.
  • Lee, G. (1994). A reassuring familiar face? Nursing Times, 90(17), 66-67.
  • Maputle, M. S., & Donavon, H. (2013). Woman-centred care in childbirth: A concept analysis (Part 1). Curationis, 36(1), E1–8.
  • McIntosh, T., & Hunter, B. (2014). Unfinished business? Reflections on changing childbirth 20 years on midwifery. Midwifery, 30, 279-281.
  • McLachlan, H., Forster, D., Davey, M. A., Farrell, T., Flood, M., Shafiei, T., & Waldenstrom, U. (2016). The effect of primary midwife-led care on women’s experience of childbirth: Results from the COSMOS randomised controlled trial, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 123(3), 465–474.
  • Murray-Davis, B., McDonald, H., Rietsma, A., Coubrough, M., & Hutton, E. (2014). Deciding on home or hospital birth: Results of the ontario choice of birthplace survey. Midwifery, 30(7), 869–76.
  • National Maternity Review. (2016). Better births: improving outcomes of maternity services in England. NHS England.
  • OECD. (2020). Caesarean sections (indicator). Erişim tarihi: 01.02.2023. adresinden erişim sağlandı.
  • RCM. (2000). Life after birth: Reflections on postnatal care. London: Royal College of Midwives.
  • Royal College of Midwives. (2014). High quality midwifery care. London: Royal College of Midwives.
  • Saftner, M. A., Neerland, C., & Avery, M. D. (2017). Enhancing women’s confidence for physiologic birth: Maternity care providers’ perspectives. Midwifery, 53, 28–34.
  • Sandall, J., Soltani, H., Gates, S., Shennan, A., & Devane, D. (2016). Midwife-led continuity models versus other models of care for childbearing women, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4.
  • Sweet, L., Wilson, A. N., Bradfield, Z., Hauck, Y., Kuliukas, L., Homer, C. S. E., Szabo, R. A., Wynter, K., & Vasilevski, V. (2022). Childbearing women’s experiences of the maternity care system in Australia during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women and Birth, 35, 223–231.
  • Vural, G., & Erenel, A.Ş. (2017). Doğumun medikalizasyonu neden artmıştır, azaltabilir miyiz?. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 4(2), 76-83.
  • Yanti, Y., Claramita, M., Emilia, O., & Hakimi, M. (2015). Students’ understanding of "Women-Centred Care Philosophy" in midwifery care through Continuity of Care (CoC) learning model: A quasi-experimental study. BMC Nursing, 14, 22.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Midwifery (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Tuğce Sönmez 0000-0003-0978-1993

Serap Ejder Apay 0000-0003-0978-1993

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Sönmez, T., & Ejder Apay, S. (2023). Doğum yönetiminde kadın merkezli bakım: Seçim, kontrol, süreklilik. Anatolian Journal of Health Research, 4(2), 72-75.

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