Review Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 10, 95 - 100, 03.06.2024


Cancer patients often encounter sleep disorders because of the side effects of treatments related to cancer and individual psychosocial distress factors. Sleep disorders can negatively affect the quality of life of patients with cancer and the healing process. Therefore, the diagnosis of sleep disorder specific to the individual and a personalized treatment method are required. There are many classifications for sleep disorders in patients with cancer. The most common sleep disorders include insomnia/sleep-wake disorders, respiratory problems such as obstructive sleep apnea, sleep-related movement disorders such as circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders, restless legs syndrome. The severity and duration of sleep disorders may vary depending on the type of cancer, treatment methods and psychosocial factors. Thus, the sleep disorders require an individualized approach. In recent years, the use of non-pharmacological methods in the treatment of sleep disorders in patients who have cancers has been investigated more due to its various advantages. Thanks to the effects of these methods, the quality of sleep and quality of life are developed in patients who have cancer. For instance, cognitive behavioral therapy is commonly applied to treat sleep disorders. In addition, other non-pharmacological approaches include manipulative methods and many mind-body interventions. If sleep disorders are not treated in patients with cancer, their quality of life and various systems in the body may be adversely affected. Therefore, early detection of sleep disorders in these patients and determination of appropriate treatment strategies are necessary to offer an individualized treatment for sleep disorders through non-pharmacological methods.

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  • Baranwal N, Yu PK, Siegel NS. Sleep physiology, pathophysiology, and sleep hygiene. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2023; 77; 59-69.
  • Rogers L, Fogleman Q, Trammell A, et al. Inflammation and psychosocial factors mediate exercise effects on sleep quality in breast cancer survivors: Pilot randomized controlled trial. Psycho-Oncology, 2015; 24(3): 302– 310.
  • Divani A, Heidari ME, Ghavampour N, et al. Effect of cancer treatment on sleep quality in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022; 30(6):4687–4697.
  • Chang WP, Chang YP. Meta-Analysis of changes in sleep quality of women with breast cancer before and after therapy. Breast Care, 2020; 15(3): 227–235.
  • Mogavero MP, DelRosso LM, Fanfulla F, Bruni O, Ferri R. Sleep disorders and cancer: State of the art and future perspectives. Sleep Med Rev. 2021;56:101409.
  • Oncology Nursing Society. ONS. Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing. 6th ed. Elsevier; 2021.
  • Seo K, Kim JH, Han D. Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on Sleep Quality in Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Healthcare, 2023; 11(5), 675. MDPI AG.
  • Li X, Bao T, Garland SN, et al. Does expectancy affect insomnia treatment response in cancer survivors receiving acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy? Journal of Cancer Survivorship : Research and Practice, 2023; 17(3):826–835.
  • Baiden P, Fallon B, den Dunnen W, et al. The enduring effects of early-childhood adversities and troubled sleep among Canadian adults: A population-based study. Sleep Medicine, 2015; 16(6):760– 767.
  • Chen HM, Wu YC, Tsai CM, et al. Relationships of circadian rhythms and physical activity with objective sleep parameters in lung cancer patients. Cancer Nursing, 2015;38(3):215– 223.
  • Liu XL, Cheng HL, Moss S, et al. Somatic acupoint stimulation for cancer-related sleep disturbance: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (ECAM), 2020; 1–12.
  • Castelli L, Elter T, Wolf F, et al. Sleep problems and their interaction with physical activity and fatigue in hematological cancer patients during onset of high dose chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022; 30(1):167–176.
  • Matthews EE, Wang SY. Cancer-related sleep wake disturbances. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 2022; 38(1).
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Impact of the DSM-IV to DSM-5 Changes on the National Survey on Drug Use and Health [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2016 Jun. Table 3.36, DSM-IV to DSM-5 Insomnia Disorder Comparison. Available from:
  • Ashraf S, Jafri MAS, Alsharedi MF. Insomnia in cancer patients. Meeting Abstract. 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting I. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 39 (15) suppl.
  • Kröz MF, Quittel M, Reif R, … the CRF study group. Four-year follow-up on fatigue and sleep quality of a three-armed partly randomized controlled study in breast cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue. Scientific Reports, 2023;13(1):1–13.
  • Baykal D. Uykusuzluk. İçinde: Can G, editör. Onkoloji Hemşireliği. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2014. ss. 359-366.
  • American Cancer Society. Insomnia and sleep problems in cancer patients. 2021. Available from:
  • Baglioni C, Frase L, Johann AF, et al. The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and dissemination of treatment. Journal of Sleep Research, 2020; 29(2).
  • Li X, Bao T, Garland SN, et al. Does expectancy affect insomnia treatment response in cancer survivors receiving acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy? Journal of Cancer Survivorship : Research and Practice, 2023; 17(3):826–835.
  • Rhenius RV, Anand J. Relationship of sleep hygiene practices and sleep quality among cancer patients. Bone. 2022;2:33.
  • Chung KF, Lee CT, Yeung WF, Chan MS, Chung EW, Lin WL. Sleep hygiene education as a treatment of insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fam Pract. 2018;35(4):365–375.
  • Galvin KT, Garland SN, Wibowo E. The relationship between sleep hygiene, mood, and insomnia symptoms in men with prostate cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2022 May;30(5):4055-4064. doi: 10.1007/s00520-021-06680-1. Epub 2022 Jan 22. PMID: 35064327.
  • Howell D, Oliver TK, Keller-Olaman S, et al. A Pan-Canadian practice guideline: prevention, screening, assessment, and treatment of sleep disturbances in adults with cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2013;21:2695–2706.
  • Zhang J, Zhang Z, Huang S, et al. Acupuncture for cancer-related insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Phytomedicine, 2022; 102.
  • Tarrasch R, Carmel-Neiderman NN, Ben-Ami S, et al. The Effect of Reflexology on the Pain-Insomnia-Fatigue Disturbance Cluster of Breast Cancer Patients During Adjuvant Radiation Therapy. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 2018; 24(1): 62–68.
  • Birling Y, Nevitt S, Bhuyan DJ, et al. Mind-Body Therapies for Cancer Patients Living with Depression, Anxiety or Insomnia (MIRACLE): A Systematic Review with Individual Participant Data Network Meta-Analysis. Methods and Protocols, 2021; 4(4): 76. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
  • Matis J, Svetlak M, Slezackova A, Svoboda M, Šumec R. Mindfulness-based programs for patients with cancer via eHealth and mobile health: systematic review and synthesis of quantitative research. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(11):e20709.
  • Kim SM, Park JM, Seo HJ, et al. Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on adults with sleep disturbance: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 2022; 12(11), e058032."


Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 10, 95 - 100, 03.06.2024


Kanser hastalığına bağlı tedavilerin yan etkileri ve bireye özgü psikososyal distres faktörleri sonucu kanser hastaları sıklıkla uyku bozukluklarıyla karşılaşmaktadır. Uyku bozuklukları, kanser hastalarının yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkileyebilir ve iyileşme sürecini yavaşlatabilir. Bu nedenle, bireye özgü uyku bozukluğunun tespiti ve kişiselleştirilmiş bir tedavi yöntemi gereklidir. Kanser hastalarında uyku bozuklukları için çeşitli sınıflandırmalar mevcuttur. En yaygın uyku bozuklukları arasında insomnia/uyku-uyanıklık bozuklukları, obstrüktif uyku apnesi gibi solunum problemleri, sirkadiyen ritim uyku-uyanıklık bozuklukları, huzursuz bacak sendromu gibi uyku ile ilgili hareket bozuklukları yer almaktadır. Uyku bozukluklarının şiddeti ve süresi, kanserin türüne, tedavi yöntemlerine ve psikososyal faktörlere bağlı olarak çeşitlilik gösterebilir. Bu durum, uyku bozukluklarının bireyselleştirilmiş bir yaklaşım gerektirdiği anlamına gelmektedir. Son yıllarda kanser hastalarında uyku bozukluklarının tedavisinde non-farmakolojik yöntemlerin kullanılması çeşitli avantajları nedeniyle daha fazla araştırılmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin etkileri sayesinde kanser hastalarında uyku ve yaşam kalitesi arttığı gözlenmektedir. Örneğin, bilişsel davranışçı terapi uyku bozukluklarını tedavi etmek amacıyla yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ek olarak, non- farmakolojik yaklaşımlar arasında manipülatif yöntemler ve çeşitli zihin- beden müdahaleleri yer almaktadır. Kanser hastalarında uyku bozuklukları tedavi edilmezse, hastaların yaşam kalitesi ve vücuttaki çeşitli sistemler olumsuz etkilenebilir. Bu nedenle, kanser hastalarında uyku bozukluklarının erken tanınması ve uygun tedavi stratejilerinin belirlenmesi, uyku bozuklukları tedavisinde non-farmakolojik yöntemler aracılığıyla bireyselleştirilmiş bir tedavi sunmak için gereklidir.


  • Baranwal N, Yu PK, Siegel NS. Sleep physiology, pathophysiology, and sleep hygiene. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 2023; 77; 59-69.
  • Rogers L, Fogleman Q, Trammell A, et al. Inflammation and psychosocial factors mediate exercise effects on sleep quality in breast cancer survivors: Pilot randomized controlled trial. Psycho-Oncology, 2015; 24(3): 302– 310.
  • Divani A, Heidari ME, Ghavampour N, et al. Effect of cancer treatment on sleep quality in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022; 30(6):4687–4697.
  • Chang WP, Chang YP. Meta-Analysis of changes in sleep quality of women with breast cancer before and after therapy. Breast Care, 2020; 15(3): 227–235.
  • Mogavero MP, DelRosso LM, Fanfulla F, Bruni O, Ferri R. Sleep disorders and cancer: State of the art and future perspectives. Sleep Med Rev. 2021;56:101409.
  • Oncology Nursing Society. ONS. Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing. 6th ed. Elsevier; 2021.
  • Seo K, Kim JH, Han D. Effects of Melatonin Supplementation on Sleep Quality in Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Healthcare, 2023; 11(5), 675. MDPI AG.
  • Li X, Bao T, Garland SN, et al. Does expectancy affect insomnia treatment response in cancer survivors receiving acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy? Journal of Cancer Survivorship : Research and Practice, 2023; 17(3):826–835.
  • Baiden P, Fallon B, den Dunnen W, et al. The enduring effects of early-childhood adversities and troubled sleep among Canadian adults: A population-based study. Sleep Medicine, 2015; 16(6):760– 767.
  • Chen HM, Wu YC, Tsai CM, et al. Relationships of circadian rhythms and physical activity with objective sleep parameters in lung cancer patients. Cancer Nursing, 2015;38(3):215– 223.
  • Liu XL, Cheng HL, Moss S, et al. Somatic acupoint stimulation for cancer-related sleep disturbance: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (ECAM), 2020; 1–12.
  • Castelli L, Elter T, Wolf F, et al. Sleep problems and their interaction with physical activity and fatigue in hematological cancer patients during onset of high dose chemotherapy. Supportive Care in Cancer, 2022; 30(1):167–176.
  • Matthews EE, Wang SY. Cancer-related sleep wake disturbances. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 2022; 38(1).
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Impact of the DSM-IV to DSM-5 Changes on the National Survey on Drug Use and Health [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (US); 2016 Jun. Table 3.36, DSM-IV to DSM-5 Insomnia Disorder Comparison. Available from:
  • Ashraf S, Jafri MAS, Alsharedi MF. Insomnia in cancer patients. Meeting Abstract. 2021 ASCO Annual Meeting I. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 39 (15) suppl.
  • Kröz MF, Quittel M, Reif R, … the CRF study group. Four-year follow-up on fatigue and sleep quality of a three-armed partly randomized controlled study in breast cancer survivors with cancer-related fatigue. Scientific Reports, 2023;13(1):1–13.
  • Baykal D. Uykusuzluk. İçinde: Can G, editör. Onkoloji Hemşireliği. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2014. ss. 359-366.
  • American Cancer Society. Insomnia and sleep problems in cancer patients. 2021. Available from:
  • Baglioni C, Frase L, Johann AF, et al. The European Academy for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia: An initiative of the European Insomnia Network to promote implementation and dissemination of treatment. Journal of Sleep Research, 2020; 29(2).
  • Li X, Bao T, Garland SN, et al. Does expectancy affect insomnia treatment response in cancer survivors receiving acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy? Journal of Cancer Survivorship : Research and Practice, 2023; 17(3):826–835.
  • Rhenius RV, Anand J. Relationship of sleep hygiene practices and sleep quality among cancer patients. Bone. 2022;2:33.
  • Chung KF, Lee CT, Yeung WF, Chan MS, Chung EW, Lin WL. Sleep hygiene education as a treatment of insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Fam Pract. 2018;35(4):365–375.
  • Galvin KT, Garland SN, Wibowo E. The relationship between sleep hygiene, mood, and insomnia symptoms in men with prostate cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2022 May;30(5):4055-4064. doi: 10.1007/s00520-021-06680-1. Epub 2022 Jan 22. PMID: 35064327.
  • Howell D, Oliver TK, Keller-Olaman S, et al. A Pan-Canadian practice guideline: prevention, screening, assessment, and treatment of sleep disturbances in adults with cancer. Support Care Cancer. 2013;21:2695–2706.
  • Zhang J, Zhang Z, Huang S, et al. Acupuncture for cancer-related insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Phytomedicine, 2022; 102.
  • Tarrasch R, Carmel-Neiderman NN, Ben-Ami S, et al. The Effect of Reflexology on the Pain-Insomnia-Fatigue Disturbance Cluster of Breast Cancer Patients During Adjuvant Radiation Therapy. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 2018; 24(1): 62–68.
  • Birling Y, Nevitt S, Bhuyan DJ, et al. Mind-Body Therapies for Cancer Patients Living with Depression, Anxiety or Insomnia (MIRACLE): A Systematic Review with Individual Participant Data Network Meta-Analysis. Methods and Protocols, 2021; 4(4): 76. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
  • Matis J, Svetlak M, Slezackova A, Svoboda M, Šumec R. Mindfulness-based programs for patients with cancer via eHealth and mobile health: systematic review and synthesis of quantitative research. J Med Internet Res. 2020;22(11):e20709.
  • Kim SM, Park JM, Seo HJ, et al. Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on adults with sleep disturbance: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 2022; 12(11), e058032."
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Primary Health Care
Journal Section Reviews

Özge Aker This is me 0009-0004-2813-493X

Dilek Baykal 0000-0001-5965-9318

Early Pub Date March 14, 2024
Publication Date June 3, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 10
