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Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 422 - 429, 31.12.2021


Alternatif tıpta kemoterapi benzeri tedavi yöntemlerine ek olarak sıklıkla bitkisel kökenli doğal ilaçlar kullanılmaktadır. Panax ginseng bunlardan biridir ve sinir sistemi kaynaklı hastalıklarda tercih edilmektedir. Çalışmamızda amaç, sisplatinden önce kullanılan Panax ginsengin YKG1 glioblastoma hücrelerinde hücre ölümü ve hücre canlılığı bakımından değerlendirilmesidir. Ticari olarak satın alınan YKG1 hücreleri, % 5 CO2 inkübatörde DMEM F12 besi yerinde inkübe edildi ve 4 gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1; kontrol, grup 2; 48 saat 50 mg/ml Panax ginseng, grup 3; 48 saat 50 mg/ml Panax ginseng ve ardından Sisplatin tedavisi ve grup 4; sadece Sisplatin uygulanan grup olarak belirlendi. Hücre canlılığı MTT analizi ile değerlendirildi. İmmünositokimyasal değerlendirmede apoptotik belirteçlerden Bax/Bcl-2 ve Caspase-3 primer antikorları kullanıldı. Ek olarak, hücreler PCR tekniği ile Bcl-2 ve Caspase-3 primerleriyle değerlendirildi. İmmünositokimyasal sonuçlara göre Bax immünoreaktivitesi gruplar arasında değişiklik göstermezken, Bcl-2’nin grup 3 ve 4’te azaldığı ve Caspase-3’ün ise grup 3 ve 4'te arttığı görüldü ve PCR sonuçları da destekleyici yönde idi. MTT sonuçlarına göre grup 3 ve 4’te hücre canlılık oranlarının azaldığı görüldü. Alternatif tıpta tedavi edici ve koruyucu olarak kullanılan Panax ginseng'in çalışmamızda, Sisplatin tedavisinden önce kullanılmasının YKG1 hücrelerinde Bax/Bcl 2 oranını değiştirmediği fakat Sisplatinle birlikte Caspase-3 aktivitesini arttırarak apoptozu tetikleyebileceği düşünüldü.

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  • REFERANSLAR Boeckman HJ, Trego KS, Turchi JJ. Cisplatin sensitizes cancer cells to ionizing radiation via inhibition of nonhomologous end joining. Molecular Cancer Research. 2005;3(5): 277–85.
  • Coluccia D, Figueiredo CA, Wu MYJ, Riemenschneider AN, Diaz R, Luck A, Smith C, Das S, Ackerley C, O’Reilly M, Hynynen K, Rutka JT. Enhancing glioblastoma treatment using cisplatin-gold-nanoparticle conjugates and targeted delivery with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine [Internet]. Elsevier Inc.; 2018;14(4): 1137–48. Available from:
  • Dai D, Zhang CF, Williams S, Yuan CS, Wang CZ. Ginseng on Cancer: Potential Role in Modulating Inflammation-Mediated Angiogenesis. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2017;45(1): 13–22.
  • Ham SW, Kim JK, Jeon HY, Kim EJ, Jin X, Eun K, Park CG, Lee SY, Seo S, Kim JY, Choi SH, Hong N, Lee YY, Kim H. Korean Red ginseng extract inhibits glioblastoma propagation by blocking the Wnt signaling pathway. Journal of Ethnopharmacology [Internet]. Elsevier Ireland Ltd; 2019;236(December 2018): 393–400. Available from:
  • Jia D, Deng Y, Gao J, Liu X, Chu J, Shu Y. Neuroprotective effect of Panax notoginseng plysaccharides against focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules [Internet]. Elsevier B.V.; 2014;63: 177–80. Available from:
  • KOMOTAR, R. J., WILSON, D. A., & CONNOLLY ES. IN THE Clone Wars : Advance of the Koreans. Neurosurgery. 2005;57(1). Mjos KD, Orvig C. Metallodrugs in medicinal inorganic chemistry. Chemical Reviews. 2014;114(8): 4540–63.
  • Nakagawa T, Kubota T, Ido K, Sakuma T, Matsuda K. The combined effects of multiple chemotherapeutic agents for malignant glioma cells. 2007; 31–7.
  • Numata M, Cross JR, Hospital H, Watanabe T, Yamamoto N. The clinical significance of SWI / SNF complex in pancreatic cancer. 2012;(November).
  • Oh J, Yoon HJ, Jang JH, Kim DH, Surh YJ. The standardized Korean Red Ginseng extract and its ingredient ginsenoside Rg3 inhibit manifestation of breast cancer stem cell–like properties through modulation of self-renewal signaling. Journal of Ginseng Research [Internet]. Elsevier Ltd; 2019;43(3): 421–30. Available from:
  • Ru W, Wang D, Xu Y, He X, Sun Y, Qian L, Zhou X, Qin Y. Chemical constituents and bioactivities of. 2015;9(1): 23–32.
  • Shin JY, Lee JM, Shin HS, Park SY, Yang JE, Cho SK, Yi TH. Anti-cancer effect of ginsenoside F2 against glioblastoma multiforme in xenograft model in SD rats. Journal of Ginseng Research. 2012;36(1): 86–92.
  • Tian YZ, Liu YP, Tian SC, Ge SY, Wu YJ, Zhang BL. Antitumor activity of ginsenoside Rd in gastric cancer via up-regulation of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9. Pharmazie. 2020;75(4): 147–50.
  • Wang J, Qi F, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Pan N, Huai L, Qu S, Zhao L. Review A review of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of glioblastoma. 2019;13(6): 476–87.
  • Wirsching HG, Galanis E, Weller M. Glioblastoma. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 2016;134: 381–97.
  • Yang Z, Zhao T, Liu H, Zhang L. Ginsenoside Rh2 inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma through β-catenin and autophagy. Scientific Reports [Internet]. Nature Publishing Group; 2016;6: 1–13. Available from:
  • Zou W, Niu C, Fu Z, Gong C. PNS-R1 inhibits Dex-induced bronchial epithelial cells apoptosis in asthma through mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Cell and Bioscience [Internet]. BioMed Central; 2019;9(1): 1–10. Available from:

Evaluation of the Effect of Panax Ginseng Administration on YKG1 Glioblastoma Cells Before Cisplatin Treatment in Terms of Apoptotic Cell Death and Cell Vitality

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 422 - 429, 31.12.2021


In alternative medicine, natural remedies of herbal origin are often used in addition to chemotherapy-like treatments. Panax ginseng one of them and it’ s preferred diseases originating from nervous system. The aim of our study, to evaluate Panax ginseng, which was used before cisplatin, in terms of cell death and viability YKG1 cells. Commercially, purchased YKG1 cells were incubated DMEM F12 medium in 5% CO2 incubator divided into 4 groups. Group-1; control, group-2; 48 hours 50 mg/ml Panax ginseng, group-3; 48 hours 50 mg/ml Panax ginseng followed by Cisplatin treatment and group-4; was determined as the only cisplatin-treated group. Cell viability assessed by MTT. Bax/Bcl-2 and Caspase3 primary antibodies, were used for immunocytochemical evaluation. In addition, cells were evaluated by PCR tecnique with using primers Bcl-2 and Caspase-3. According to the immunocytochemistry, while Bax immunoreactivity didn’t change into the groups, Bcl-2 decreased in groups 3-4, and Caspase-3 increased in groups 3-4, and PCR results were also supportive with our immunohistochemical results. According to MTT results, cell viability rates decreased in groups 3-4. In our study, it was observed that the use of Panax ginseng, which used as a therapeutic and prophylactic in alternative medicine, didn’t change the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio in YKG1 cells, but it could trigger apoptosis increasing Caspase-3 activity together Cisplatin.


  • REFERANSLAR Boeckman HJ, Trego KS, Turchi JJ. Cisplatin sensitizes cancer cells to ionizing radiation via inhibition of nonhomologous end joining. Molecular Cancer Research. 2005;3(5): 277–85.
  • Coluccia D, Figueiredo CA, Wu MYJ, Riemenschneider AN, Diaz R, Luck A, Smith C, Das S, Ackerley C, O’Reilly M, Hynynen K, Rutka JT. Enhancing glioblastoma treatment using cisplatin-gold-nanoparticle conjugates and targeted delivery with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine [Internet]. Elsevier Inc.; 2018;14(4): 1137–48. Available from:
  • Dai D, Zhang CF, Williams S, Yuan CS, Wang CZ. Ginseng on Cancer: Potential Role in Modulating Inflammation-Mediated Angiogenesis. American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2017;45(1): 13–22.
  • Ham SW, Kim JK, Jeon HY, Kim EJ, Jin X, Eun K, Park CG, Lee SY, Seo S, Kim JY, Choi SH, Hong N, Lee YY, Kim H. Korean Red ginseng extract inhibits glioblastoma propagation by blocking the Wnt signaling pathway. Journal of Ethnopharmacology [Internet]. Elsevier Ireland Ltd; 2019;236(December 2018): 393–400. Available from:
  • Jia D, Deng Y, Gao J, Liu X, Chu J, Shu Y. Neuroprotective effect of Panax notoginseng plysaccharides against focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in rats. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules [Internet]. Elsevier B.V.; 2014;63: 177–80. Available from:
  • KOMOTAR, R. J., WILSON, D. A., & CONNOLLY ES. IN THE Clone Wars : Advance of the Koreans. Neurosurgery. 2005;57(1). Mjos KD, Orvig C. Metallodrugs in medicinal inorganic chemistry. Chemical Reviews. 2014;114(8): 4540–63.
  • Nakagawa T, Kubota T, Ido K, Sakuma T, Matsuda K. The combined effects of multiple chemotherapeutic agents for malignant glioma cells. 2007; 31–7.
  • Numata M, Cross JR, Hospital H, Watanabe T, Yamamoto N. The clinical significance of SWI / SNF complex in pancreatic cancer. 2012;(November).
  • Oh J, Yoon HJ, Jang JH, Kim DH, Surh YJ. The standardized Korean Red Ginseng extract and its ingredient ginsenoside Rg3 inhibit manifestation of breast cancer stem cell–like properties through modulation of self-renewal signaling. Journal of Ginseng Research [Internet]. Elsevier Ltd; 2019;43(3): 421–30. Available from:
  • Ru W, Wang D, Xu Y, He X, Sun Y, Qian L, Zhou X, Qin Y. Chemical constituents and bioactivities of. 2015;9(1): 23–32.
  • Shin JY, Lee JM, Shin HS, Park SY, Yang JE, Cho SK, Yi TH. Anti-cancer effect of ginsenoside F2 against glioblastoma multiforme in xenograft model in SD rats. Journal of Ginseng Research. 2012;36(1): 86–92.
  • Tian YZ, Liu YP, Tian SC, Ge SY, Wu YJ, Zhang BL. Antitumor activity of ginsenoside Rd in gastric cancer via up-regulation of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9. Pharmazie. 2020;75(4): 147–50.
  • Wang J, Qi F, Wang Z, Zhang Z, Pan N, Huai L, Qu S, Zhao L. Review A review of traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of glioblastoma. 2019;13(6): 476–87.
  • Wirsching HG, Galanis E, Weller M. Glioblastoma. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 2016;134: 381–97.
  • Yang Z, Zhao T, Liu H, Zhang L. Ginsenoside Rh2 inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma through β-catenin and autophagy. Scientific Reports [Internet]. Nature Publishing Group; 2016;6: 1–13. Available from:
  • Zou W, Niu C, Fu Z, Gong C. PNS-R1 inhibits Dex-induced bronchial epithelial cells apoptosis in asthma through mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Cell and Bioscience [Internet]. BioMed Central; 2019;9(1): 1–10. Available from:
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery

Fatma Fırat 0000-0003-0027-5138

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Acceptance Date September 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA Fırat, F. (2021). Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 14(4), 422-429.
AMA Fırat F. Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. kvj. December 2021;14(4):422-429. doi:10.30607/kvj.944150
Chicago Fırat, Fatma. “Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 14, no. 4 (December 2021): 422-29.
EndNote Fırat F (December 1, 2021) Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 14 4 422–429.
IEEE F. Fırat, “Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”, kvj, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 422–429, 2021, doi: 10.30607/kvj.944150.
ISNAD Fırat, Fatma. “Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 14/4 (December 2021), 422-429.
JAMA Fırat F. Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. kvj. 2021;14:422–429.
MLA Fırat, Fatma. “Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 14, no. 4, 2021, pp. 422-9, doi:10.30607/kvj.944150.
Vancouver Fırat F. Sisplatin Tedavisi Öncesi Panax Ginseng Uygulamasının YKG1 Glioblastoma Hücrelerine Olan Etkisinin Apoptotik Hücre Ölümü Ve Hücre Canlılığı Açısından Değerlendirilmesi. kvj. 2021;14(4):422-9.

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