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Aydın İlinde Bazı Sütçü Sığır İşletmelerinde Subakut Ruminal Asidozis İnsidansının Belirlenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 25 - 39, 13.09.2017


Amaç: Bu araştırma ile Aydın ilinde bazı sütçü sığır işletmelerinde
farklı biyobelirteçler aracılığıyla SARA insidansının belirlenmesi amaçlandı.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Total karışım rasyonu (TKR) ile besleme yapılan ve
Aydın ilinde bulunan 8 farklı süt sığırcılığı işletmesi çalışma kapsamına
alındı. Her bir işletmede I. grup erken laktasyon (0-70. günler) ve II. grup orta
laktasyonda (70- 140. günler) olmak üzere (her grupta en az n=12) 2’ şer farklı
grup oluşturuldu.
Tez kapsamında tanımlayıcı
biyobelirteçler olarak rumen pH’ sı, rumen kontraksiyonlarının sayısı , dışkı
skorlaması, vücut kondüsyon skoru kullanıldı.

Bulgular: Çalışma kapsamında 15/184 (% 8.15) hayvanın SARA pozitif (pH˂ 5.5)
olduğu (12’ si erken laktasyonda, 3’ ü orta laktasyonda) bunun yanı sıra farklı
iki çiftlikte (% 25 oranla D ve F çiftlikleri) saptanan birer olgunun SARA risk
grubunda, 167 olgunun ise SARA negatif olduğu belirlendi. SARA teşhisli
hayvanlarda rumen sıvısı pH değerlerinin (p˂0.01), rumen kontraksiyonlarının (p
˂0.01), ortanca dışkı skorunun (p ˂0.01) sağlıklı olnalara oranla belirgin
derecede farklılaştığı saptandı. Vücut kondisyon skoru (VKP) bakımından rumen
pH’sı değerlendirildiğinde, 3˂VKP˂4 arasında VKP’ ye sahip ineklerin
ortalamaları diğer VKP gruplarına göre yüksek bulundu.
Sağlıklı ve SARA teşhisli
ineklerde rumen pH’ sı ile rumen kontraksiyonu (sırasıyla 0.246 ve 0.647) (P˂
0.01), rumen pH’ sı ile VKP arasında (0.414 ile 0.781) (P˂ 0.01) istatistik
bakımdan önemli ve pozitif yönde ilişkiler saptandı.

Öneri: Çalışmamız kapsamında
SARA ile ilişkide olan biyobelirteçlerin (rumen pH’ sı, rumen kontraksiyonları,
dışkı skoru, VKP) korelasyonlarıda incelenmiş olup tanı amacıyla da
değerlendirilebileceği, erken koruyucu tedbirler alınarak hastalığın
engellenebileceği kanısına varılmıştır.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Anonim. Erişim Tarihi; 01.03.2015. 2. Nordlund, Kenneth V, Edgar F. Garrett, Garrett R and Oetzel,. Herd-based rumenocentesıs a clınıcal approach to the dıagnosıs of subacute rumen acıdosıs. Preconvention Seminar 7: Dairy Herd Problem Investigation Strategies Amerıcan Assocıatıon Of Bovıne Practıtıoners 36th Annual Conference. Columbus, 1995; s: 48-56. 3. Kleen JL. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA): a review. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med, 2003; 50: s: 406-414. 4. Kleen JL, Cannizzo C. Incidence, prevalence and impact of SARA in dairy herds. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 2012;172: s: 4-8. 5. Stefańska B. Prevalence and consequence of subacute ruminal acidosis in Polish dairy herds. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr, 2016. 6. Danscher AM, Li S, Andersen PH, Khafipour E, Kristensen NB, Plaizier JC. Indicators of induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in Danish Holstein cows. Acta Vet Scand, 2015; s: 57: 39. 7. Garrett EF. Subacute rumen acidosis. Large Anim, 1996; 10: s: 6–10. 8. Stock R. Acidosis in cattle: an overview. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Bovine Practitioner, Rapid City, South Dakota, 2000; s: 30–37. 9. Slyter LL. Influence of acidosis on rumen function. J Anim Sci, 1976; 4: s: 910-929. 10. Møller PD. Acidosis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1993; 89: s: 111–112. 11. Nocek JE. Bovine Acidosis Implications on Laminitis. J Dairy Sci, 1997; 80: s: 1005–1028. 12. Dirksen GU, Liebich HG, Mayer E. Adaptive changes of the ruminal mucosa and their functional and clinical significance. AABP, 1985; 20: s: 116–120. 13. Ga¨ bler G. Pansenazi dose – Interaktionen zwischen den Veranderungen im Lumen und in der Wand des Pansens. Ubers. Tierernahrg, 1990; 18: s: 1–38. 14. Gül Y, Mustafa İ. Rumen Asidozu. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci, 2014; 5: s: 15-22. 15. Rossow N. Erkrankun gen der Vormagen und des Labmagens. In: Innere Krankheiten der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztiere. Ed; Rossow N, Jena Fischer Verlag, Germany, 1984; s: 224–259. 16. Owens FN, Secrist DS, Hill WJ, Gill DR. Acidosis in cattle – a review. J Anim Sci, 1998; 76: s: 275–286. 17. Garrett EF, Perreira MN, Nordlund KV, Armentano LE, Goodger WJ, Oetzel GR. Diagnostic methods for the detection of subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1999; 82: s: 1170–1178. 18. Oetzel GR. Clinical aspects of ruminal acidosis in dairy cattle. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Bovine Practitioner, Rapid City, South Dakota, 2000; s: 46–53. 19. Gozho GN, Plaizier JC, Krause DO, Kennedy AD, Wittenberg KM. Subacute ruminal acidosis induces ruminal lipopolysaccharide endotoxin release and triggers an inflammatory response. J Dairy Sci, 2005; 88: s: 1399–1403. 20. Stone WC. The effect of subclinical rumen acidosis on milk components. Proceeding of the Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, Cornell University, Ithica, New York, 1999; s: 40–46. 21. Oetzel GR, Norlund KV, Garrett EF. Effect of ruminal pH and stage of lactation on ruminal lactate concentrations in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1999; 82: s: 38. 22. Enemark JMD. The monitoring, prevention and treatment of sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA): A review. Vet Journal, 2009; 176: s: 32–43. 23. Coşkun H, Çağlar A. Süt teknolojisinde ph' nın önemi, süt ve süt ürünlerinde ölçülmesi. J Facult Agrical, 1997; 28: s: 161-169. 24. Oetzel GR. Monitoring and testing dairy herds for metabolic disease. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 2004; 20: s: 651-674. 25. İmren HY. Sindirim Sisteminin Muayenesi (Omasum’un muayenesi), In: Veteriner İç Hastalıklarına Giriş, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1994; s: 137-139. 26. Orta A, Del buono A, de Monaco A. Nutritional manipulation: epigenetic effect in cancer. WCRJ, 2015; 2: s: 518. 27. Edmonson AJ, Lean IJ, Weaver LD, Farver T, Webster G. A body condition scoring chart for Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1989; 72: s: 68-78. 28. Yaylak E, Kumlu S. Siyah Alaca sığırların 305 günlük süt verimine vücut kondüsyon puanı ve bazı çevre faktörlerinin etkisi. “Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg, 2005; 42: s: 55-66. 29. Duncan N. Capturing flexibility of information technology infrastructure: A study of resource characteristics and their measure. Inform Syst Manage, 1995;12: s: 37-57. 30. Tajik J. Prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis in some dairy herds of Khorasan Razavi province, northeast of Iran. IJVR, 2009; s: 28-32. 31. Shabani, Ceroni E. Clinical findings dictated by subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) condition in cows for milk production. Albanian J Agric Sci, 2013; 12: s: 327. 32. Morgante M. Subacute rumen acidosis in lactating cows: an investigation in intensive Italian dairy herds. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr, 2007; 91: s: 226-234. 33. O’Grady L, Doherty ML, & Mulligan FJ. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in grazing Irish dairy cows. Vet J, 2008; 176: s: 44-49. 34. Kleen JL, Hooier GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen JP. Subacute ruminal acidosis in Dutch dairy herds. 2009; 3: s: 164-681. 35. Garrett EF, Jeremy S, Joseph T. Therapeutic options for severe, refractory status asthmaticus: Inhalational anaesthetic agents, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and helium/oxygen ventilation. Paediatr Anaesth, 1997; s: 47-58. 36. Underwood WJ. Rumen Lactic Acidosis. Part 2. Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention. Food Anim Compend, 1992; 14: s: 1265-1270. 37. Enemark JMD, Jorgensen RJ. Rumen acidosis with special emphasis on diagnostic aspects of subclinical rumen acidosis: a review. Vet Met Zoot, 2002; 20: s: 16-29. 38. Jones NB, O'Connell, JF, Hawkes K. Reanalysis of large mammal body part transport among the Hadza. J Archaeol Sci, 1990; 17: s: 301-316. 39. Dobbelaar P, Noordhuizen JPTM, Wilbrink H, Brand A. Veterinary herd health and production service on dairy farms V. Index list on metabolic/nutritional diseases, body condition score and ration composition. Prev Vet Med, 1985; 3: s: 289-300. 40. Scott TA. Effects of rumen-inert fat on lactation, reproduction, and health of high producing Holstein herds. J Dairy Sci, 1995; 78: s: 2435-2451. 41. Veerkamp RF. Genetic correlations between linear type traits, food intake, live weight and condition score in Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. Anim Sci, 1997; s: 385-392. 42. Pryce JE, Coffey MP and Simm G. The relationship between body condition score and reproductive performance. J Dairy Sci, 2001; 84: s: 1508-1515. 43. Kleen, JL, Upgang L, Rehage J. Prevalence and consequences of subacute ruminal acidosis in German dairy herds. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 2013; 55(1);s: 48. 44. Chaidate I, Somchai C, Jos N, Henk H. A cow‐level association of ruminal pH on body condition score, serum beta‐hydroxybutyrate and postpartum disorders in Thai dairy cattle. J Anim Sci, 2014; 85: s: 861-867.

Determination of Subacute Ruminal Acidosis Incidence in Some Dairy Cattle Farm in Aydın

Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 25 - 39, 13.09.2017


In the present study the aim was to determine the incidence of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA)
in some dairy cattle enterpreneur in Aydın by means of different biomarkers. Eight different dairy cattle
farms operated by total mixture ration (TMR) and located in Aydın province were enrolled in the study.
In each enterpreneur group 2 subgroups (n=12 at least in each) as I early lactation (0-70 days) and group
IImid lactation (70-140 days) were composed. Regarding thesis, rumen pH (digital pH meter), number
of rumen contractions (phonendescope), fecal scoring (inspection), body condition score (Edmonson
method) were used as descriptive biomarkers. In context of the study, 15/184 (8.15%) animals were
SARA positive (pH ˂ 5.5) (12 in early lactation, 3 in middle lactation) as well as two different farms
(D and F farms with 25%) 1 each case with SARA risk, 167 cases were negative for SARA. Rumen
pH values when evaluated in terms of body condition scoring, cows presenting 3˂BCS˂4 showed
higher mean values in contrast to other groups. In healthy animals and other diagnosed with SARA, pH
values of rumen fluid (p ˂0.01), ruminal contractions (p ˂0.01), median fecal scoring (p ˂0.01) were
presenting statistical significanceto those of healthy ones. In healthy and SARA diagnosed animals there
were significant and positive correlations among rumen pH and rumen contractions (0.246 and 0.647,
respectively) (P˂ 0.01), rumen pH and BCS (0.414 and 0.781) (P˂ 0.01). As a result, the existence of
SARA has been revealed for the first time in the enterprises located in Aydın province borders. In our
study, the correlations between biomarkers related to SARA (rumen pH, rumen contractions, fecal score,
BCS) were examined which could be used for diagnosis, and given early preventive measures might
have helped disease prevention.


  • Kaynaklar 1. Anonim. Erişim Tarihi; 01.03.2015. 2. Nordlund, Kenneth V, Edgar F. Garrett, Garrett R and Oetzel,. Herd-based rumenocentesıs a clınıcal approach to the dıagnosıs of subacute rumen acıdosıs. Preconvention Seminar 7: Dairy Herd Problem Investigation Strategies Amerıcan Assocıatıon Of Bovıne Practıtıoners 36th Annual Conference. Columbus, 1995; s: 48-56. 3. Kleen JL. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA): a review. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med, 2003; 50: s: 406-414. 4. Kleen JL, Cannizzo C. Incidence, prevalence and impact of SARA in dairy herds. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 2012;172: s: 4-8. 5. Stefańska B. Prevalence and consequence of subacute ruminal acidosis in Polish dairy herds. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr, 2016. 6. Danscher AM, Li S, Andersen PH, Khafipour E, Kristensen NB, Plaizier JC. Indicators of induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in Danish Holstein cows. Acta Vet Scand, 2015; s: 57: 39. 7. Garrett EF. Subacute rumen acidosis. Large Anim, 1996; 10: s: 6–10. 8. Stock R. Acidosis in cattle: an overview. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Bovine Practitioner, Rapid City, South Dakota, 2000; s: 30–37. 9. Slyter LL. Influence of acidosis on rumen function. J Anim Sci, 1976; 4: s: 910-929. 10. Møller PD. Acidosis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1993; 89: s: 111–112. 11. Nocek JE. Bovine Acidosis Implications on Laminitis. J Dairy Sci, 1997; 80: s: 1005–1028. 12. Dirksen GU, Liebich HG, Mayer E. Adaptive changes of the ruminal mucosa and their functional and clinical significance. AABP, 1985; 20: s: 116–120. 13. Ga¨ bler G. Pansenazi dose – Interaktionen zwischen den Veranderungen im Lumen und in der Wand des Pansens. Ubers. Tierernahrg, 1990; 18: s: 1–38. 14. Gül Y, Mustafa İ. Rumen Asidozu. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci, 2014; 5: s: 15-22. 15. Rossow N. Erkrankun gen der Vormagen und des Labmagens. In: Innere Krankheiten der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztiere. Ed; Rossow N, Jena Fischer Verlag, Germany, 1984; s: 224–259. 16. Owens FN, Secrist DS, Hill WJ, Gill DR. Acidosis in cattle – a review. J Anim Sci, 1998; 76: s: 275–286. 17. Garrett EF, Perreira MN, Nordlund KV, Armentano LE, Goodger WJ, Oetzel GR. Diagnostic methods for the detection of subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1999; 82: s: 1170–1178. 18. Oetzel GR. Clinical aspects of ruminal acidosis in dairy cattle. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Convention of the American Association of Bovine Practitioner, Rapid City, South Dakota, 2000; s: 46–53. 19. Gozho GN, Plaizier JC, Krause DO, Kennedy AD, Wittenberg KM. Subacute ruminal acidosis induces ruminal lipopolysaccharide endotoxin release and triggers an inflammatory response. J Dairy Sci, 2005; 88: s: 1399–1403. 20. Stone WC. The effect of subclinical rumen acidosis on milk components. Proceeding of the Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, Cornell University, Ithica, New York, 1999; s: 40–46. 21. Oetzel GR, Norlund KV, Garrett EF. Effect of ruminal pH and stage of lactation on ruminal lactate concentrations in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1999; 82: s: 38. 22. Enemark JMD. The monitoring, prevention and treatment of sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA): A review. Vet Journal, 2009; 176: s: 32–43. 23. Coşkun H, Çağlar A. Süt teknolojisinde ph' nın önemi, süt ve süt ürünlerinde ölçülmesi. J Facult Agrical, 1997; 28: s: 161-169. 24. Oetzel GR. Monitoring and testing dairy herds for metabolic disease. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract, 2004; 20: s: 651-674. 25. İmren HY. Sindirim Sisteminin Muayenesi (Omasum’un muayenesi), In: Veteriner İç Hastalıklarına Giriş, Medisan Yayınevi, Ankara, 1994; s: 137-139. 26. Orta A, Del buono A, de Monaco A. Nutritional manipulation: epigenetic effect in cancer. WCRJ, 2015; 2: s: 518. 27. Edmonson AJ, Lean IJ, Weaver LD, Farver T, Webster G. A body condition scoring chart for Holstein dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 1989; 72: s: 68-78. 28. Yaylak E, Kumlu S. Siyah Alaca sığırların 305 günlük süt verimine vücut kondüsyon puanı ve bazı çevre faktörlerinin etkisi. “Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg, 2005; 42: s: 55-66. 29. Duncan N. Capturing flexibility of information technology infrastructure: A study of resource characteristics and their measure. Inform Syst Manage, 1995;12: s: 37-57. 30. Tajik J. Prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis in some dairy herds of Khorasan Razavi province, northeast of Iran. IJVR, 2009; s: 28-32. 31. Shabani, Ceroni E. Clinical findings dictated by subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) condition in cows for milk production. Albanian J Agric Sci, 2013; 12: s: 327. 32. Morgante M. Subacute rumen acidosis in lactating cows: an investigation in intensive Italian dairy herds. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr, 2007; 91: s: 226-234. 33. O’Grady L, Doherty ML, & Mulligan FJ. Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in grazing Irish dairy cows. Vet J, 2008; 176: s: 44-49. 34. Kleen JL, Hooier GA, Rehage J, Noordhuizen JP. Subacute ruminal acidosis in Dutch dairy herds. 2009; 3: s: 164-681. 35. Garrett EF, Jeremy S, Joseph T. Therapeutic options for severe, refractory status asthmaticus: Inhalational anaesthetic agents, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and helium/oxygen ventilation. Paediatr Anaesth, 1997; s: 47-58. 36. Underwood WJ. Rumen Lactic Acidosis. Part 2. Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention. Food Anim Compend, 1992; 14: s: 1265-1270. 37. Enemark JMD, Jorgensen RJ. Rumen acidosis with special emphasis on diagnostic aspects of subclinical rumen acidosis: a review. Vet Met Zoot, 2002; 20: s: 16-29. 38. Jones NB, O'Connell, JF, Hawkes K. Reanalysis of large mammal body part transport among the Hadza. J Archaeol Sci, 1990; 17: s: 301-316. 39. Dobbelaar P, Noordhuizen JPTM, Wilbrink H, Brand A. Veterinary herd health and production service on dairy farms V. Index list on metabolic/nutritional diseases, body condition score and ration composition. Prev Vet Med, 1985; 3: s: 289-300. 40. Scott TA. Effects of rumen-inert fat on lactation, reproduction, and health of high producing Holstein herds. J Dairy Sci, 1995; 78: s: 2435-2451. 41. Veerkamp RF. Genetic correlations between linear type traits, food intake, live weight and condition score in Holstein Friesian dairy cattle. Anim Sci, 1997; s: 385-392. 42. Pryce JE, Coffey MP and Simm G. The relationship between body condition score and reproductive performance. J Dairy Sci, 2001; 84: s: 1508-1515. 43. Kleen, JL, Upgang L, Rehage J. Prevalence and consequences of subacute ruminal acidosis in German dairy herds. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 2013; 55(1);s: 48. 44. Chaidate I, Somchai C, Jos N, Henk H. A cow‐level association of ruminal pH on body condition score, serum beta‐hydroxybutyrate and postpartum disorders in Thai dairy cattle. J Anim Sci, 2014; 85: s: 861-867.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Kerem Ural

Onur Örtlek This is me

Publication Date September 13, 2017
Submission Date April 12, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Ural, K., & Örtlek, O. (2017). Aydın İlinde Bazı Sütçü Sığır İşletmelerinde Subakut Ruminal Asidozis İnsidansının Belirlenmesi. Veterinary Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 2(1), 25-39.