A rare location for an infrequent tumor: Plexiform neurofibroma in hepatic hilum
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1, 50 - 53, 27.03.2015
Mehmet Türkoğlu
Aslı Uçar
Volkan Doğru
Güzide Ocak
Veli Vural
Halil Erbiş
Plexiform neurofibroma is frequently encountered in association with NF-1 but still can be seen as solitary lesions. While disease mostly involves extremities a very rare site of involvement is hepatic hilum. This paper reports a case of a 58 year old female patient with solitary plexiform neurofibroma located in the hepatoduodenal region which successfully treated by surgical procedure.
- Coulon A, Milin S, Laban E, Debiais C, Jamet C, Goujon JM. Pathologic characteristics of the most frequent peripheral nerve tu- mors. Neurochirurgie 2009; 55: 454-8.
- Hoshimoto S, Morise Z, Takeura C, Ikeda M, Kagawa T, Tanahashi Y, Okabe Y, Mizoguchi Y, Sugi- oka A. Plexiform neurofibroma in the hepatic hilum associated with neurofibromatosis Type 1: A case report. Rare Tumors 2009; 22: 1.
- Theos A, Korf BR. Pathophysiolo- gy of neurofibromatosis Type 1. Ann Intern Med 2006; 144: 842-9.
- Korf BR. Plexiform neurofibro- mas. Am J Med Genet 1999; 89: 31-7.
- Huson SM. The different forms of neurofibromatosis. Br Med J 1987; 294: 1113-4.
- McGaughran JM, Harris DI, Don- nai D. A clinical study of Type 1 neurofibromatosis in north west England. J Med Genet 1999; 36: 197-203.
- Shi L, Liu FJ, Jia QH, Guan H, Lu ZJ. Solitary plexiform neurofibro- ma of the stomach: a case re- port.World J Gastroenterol 2014; 7: 5153-6.
- Lin V, Daniel S, Forte V. Is a plex- iform neurofibroma pathognomon- ic of neurofibromatosis type I? Laryngoscope 2004; 114: 1410-4.
- Zacharia TT, Jaramillo D, Pous- saint TY, Korf B. MR imaging of abdominopelvic involvement in neurofibromatosis Type 1: A re- view of 43 patients. Pediatr Radiol 2005; 35: 317-22.
- Rodriguez E, Pombo F, Rodriguez I. Diffuse intrahepatic periportal plexiform neurofibroma. Eur J Ra- diol 1993; 16: 151-3.
- Karl Staser, Feng-Chun Yang, and D Wade Clapp. Pathogenesis of plexiform neurofibroma: Tumor- stromal/hematopoietic interactions in tumor progression. Annu Rev Pathol 2012; 7: 469-95.
- Sehgal VN, Sharma S, Oberai R. Evaluation of plexiform neurofi- broma in neurofibromatosis Type 1 in 18 family members of 3 gen- erations: magnetic resonance imaging a di- agnostic supplement. Int J Derma- tol 2009; 48: 275-9. and
- Pilavakia, D. Chourmouzib, A. Ki- ziridouc, Zarampoukase, A. Drevelengasf. Imaging of peripheral nerve sheath tumors with pathologic correla- tion: Pictorial review. Eur JRadiol 2004; 52: 229-39. T.
- Yano K, Okamura T, Yoshida Y. Mesenteric neurofibroma with von Recklinghausen’s disease: A case report. 1998; 45: 456-8.
- Imamoglu M, Cay A, Yariş N, Yayla S, Sarihan H. Intestinal mesenteric involvement with plex- iform neurofibroma in neurofi- bromatosis Type 1. Pediatr Int 2006; 48: 337-9.
- Lin J, Martel W. Cross-sectional imaging of peripheral nerve sheath tumors: Characteristic signs on CT, MR imaging, and sonography. Am J Roentgenol 2001; 176: 75- 82.
- Ogose A, Hotta T, Morita T. Diag- nosis of peripheral nevre sheath tumors around the pelvis. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol 2004; 34: 405-13.
Nadir bir tümör için nadir bir lokalizasyon: Hepatik hilumda Pleksiform nörofibroma
Yıl 2015,
Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1, 50 - 53, 27.03.2015
Mehmet Türkoğlu
Aslı Uçar
Volkan Doğru
Güzide Ocak
Veli Vural
Halil Erbiş
Pleksiform nörofibroma sıklıkla NF-1 ile birlikte karşılaşılan ancak soliter olarak ta gözlenebilen lezyonlardır. Hastalık genellikle ekstremiteleri ilgilendirirken hepatik hilum çok nadir bir tutulum bölgesidir. Bu yazı, cerrahi prosedür ile başarılı şekilde tedavi edilmiş, hepatoduodenal bölgede lokalize, pleksiform nörofibroma lezyonu olan 58 yaşındaki kadın bir vakayı sunmaktadır
- Coulon A, Milin S, Laban E, Debiais C, Jamet C, Goujon JM. Pathologic characteristics of the most frequent peripheral nerve tu- mors. Neurochirurgie 2009; 55: 454-8.
- Hoshimoto S, Morise Z, Takeura C, Ikeda M, Kagawa T, Tanahashi Y, Okabe Y, Mizoguchi Y, Sugi- oka A. Plexiform neurofibroma in the hepatic hilum associated with neurofibromatosis Type 1: A case report. Rare Tumors 2009; 22: 1.
- Theos A, Korf BR. Pathophysiolo- gy of neurofibromatosis Type 1. Ann Intern Med 2006; 144: 842-9.
- Korf BR. Plexiform neurofibro- mas. Am J Med Genet 1999; 89: 31-7.
- Huson SM. The different forms of neurofibromatosis. Br Med J 1987; 294: 1113-4.
- McGaughran JM, Harris DI, Don- nai D. A clinical study of Type 1 neurofibromatosis in north west England. J Med Genet 1999; 36: 197-203.
- Shi L, Liu FJ, Jia QH, Guan H, Lu ZJ. Solitary plexiform neurofibro- ma of the stomach: a case re- port.World J Gastroenterol 2014; 7: 5153-6.
- Lin V, Daniel S, Forte V. Is a plex- iform neurofibroma pathognomon- ic of neurofibromatosis type I? Laryngoscope 2004; 114: 1410-4.
- Zacharia TT, Jaramillo D, Pous- saint TY, Korf B. MR imaging of abdominopelvic involvement in neurofibromatosis Type 1: A re- view of 43 patients. Pediatr Radiol 2005; 35: 317-22.
- Rodriguez E, Pombo F, Rodriguez I. Diffuse intrahepatic periportal plexiform neurofibroma. Eur J Ra- diol 1993; 16: 151-3.
- Karl Staser, Feng-Chun Yang, and D Wade Clapp. Pathogenesis of plexiform neurofibroma: Tumor- stromal/hematopoietic interactions in tumor progression. Annu Rev Pathol 2012; 7: 469-95.
- Sehgal VN, Sharma S, Oberai R. Evaluation of plexiform neurofi- broma in neurofibromatosis Type 1 in 18 family members of 3 gen- erations: magnetic resonance imaging a di- agnostic supplement. Int J Derma- tol 2009; 48: 275-9. and
- Pilavakia, D. Chourmouzib, A. Ki- ziridouc, Zarampoukase, A. Drevelengasf. Imaging of peripheral nerve sheath tumors with pathologic correla- tion: Pictorial review. Eur JRadiol 2004; 52: 229-39. T.
- Yano K, Okamura T, Yoshida Y. Mesenteric neurofibroma with von Recklinghausen’s disease: A case report. 1998; 45: 456-8.
- Imamoglu M, Cay A, Yariş N, Yayla S, Sarihan H. Intestinal mesenteric involvement with plex- iform neurofibroma in neurofi- bromatosis Type 1. Pediatr Int 2006; 48: 337-9.
- Lin J, Martel W. Cross-sectional imaging of peripheral nerve sheath tumors: Characteristic signs on CT, MR imaging, and sonography. Am J Roentgenol 2001; 176: 75- 82.
- Ogose A, Hotta T, Morita T. Diag- nosis of peripheral nevre sheath tumors around the pelvis. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol 2004; 34: 405-13.