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Submucosal lipoma located on the ascending colon

Year 2015, , 292 - 293, 13.12.2015


Dear Editor,

A 68 years old female patient applied to the General Surgery clinic with complaints of pain in the right lower quadrant and abdominal distention. Her vitals and blood tests revealed no abnormality. The contrasted abdominal tomography was interpreted as a soft tissue mass containing fat density with smooth margins, adjacent to the ileocecal valve and having a diameter of approximately3 cm. In her surgery, the mass was excised by a5 cmincision5 cmdistal to the cecal region on the wall adjacent to the mass. The incision was closed using a linear stapler.

Year 2015, , 292 - 293, 13.12.2015


There are 0 citations in total.


Journal Section Letters to the Editor

Meriç Emre Bostancı

Murat Can Mollaoğlu

Hüseyin Alakuş

Mehmet Esat Duymuş

Kürşat Karadayı

Publication Date December 13, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


AMA Bostancı ME, Mollaoğlu MC, Alakuş H, Duymuş ME, Karadayı K. Submucosal lipoma located on the ascending colon. CMJ. December 2015;37(4):292-293. doi:10.7197/cmj.v37i4.5000151126