e-ISSN: 1305-0028
Founded: 2004
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The publication history of the Cumhuriyet Medical Journal (CMJ) which is dedicated itself to be a home for the scientist who is willing to take science a step further is as old as the Sivas Cumhuriyet University itself.  CMJ, which started its publication life as a printed magazine, started to digital publishing in 2009. Our journal, which publishes 4 issues a year, March, June, September, and December, continues its publication life more motivated than ever with its new editor, field editor, and referee team. CMJ aims to publish and share original articles, reviews and case reports on health and science. Applicants are first filtered fand objectively evaluated by using a standard "Editorial Pre-evaluation Form". The studies with could get sufficient scores from the pre-evaluation form shall be subject to double-blind evaluation by at least two referees. In addition, a special program used to detect plagiarism confirms that the articles have not been published before and do not contain plagiarism. At the last stage, the studies that are under the control of the Language Advisor and the Statistical Advisor are accepted for publication.

Please check-out the manuscript submission algorithm linked below



2024 - Volume: 46 Issue: 4