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Frequency and Risk Factors of Neural Tube Defects In Samsun Province

Year 2018, Volume: 40 Issue: 4, 413 - 420, 29.12.2018



Background: Neural tube defects (NTD) are a group of severe human
congenital malformations and complex disorders appear to be affected by
multiple factors, both genetic and environmental contributions.

Aim: To asses the frequency of NTD in Samsun province and investigate
the relationship between NTD and sociodemographic properties of families,
maternal eating habits, maternal serum folic acid, and vitamin B12 levels.

Study design: Case- control study

Method: The women who gave birth to infants with NTDs and whose pregnancies
were terminated due to having fetuses with NTDs between July 2007 and September
2008 were included in the study. The frequency of NTD was calculated from
medical records for Samsun province. Sociodemographic characteristics,
nutritional status, obstetric histories teratogen exposure and vitamin B12 and
folic acid levels of study group were compared with controls.

Results: In the study period, 63 fetuses with isolated
NTD were noted. The frequency of NTD in Samsun region was %o3,4.
In the study group, family incomes,
maternal education and consumption of meat, milk, egg, cheese, vegetable, and
legumes were lower than the control group (p<0.05). Sharing of the house
with grandparents, unemployment rate, rate of febrile diseases, use of
antipyretics, exposure to radiation were higher (p<0.05). Both maternal
serum vitamin B12, folic acid in NTD group  were lower than controls.

Conclusion: The frequency of NTD in Samsun region was
relatively high. NTD was more frequent in individuals with poor maternal
education, low income, and insufficient nutrition. Low serum vitamin B12 and
folic acid levels posed an increased risk for NTD. The importance of the
vitamin supplements during pregnancy is to be better appreciated by the health
authorities as well as the families.


  • References1. Detrait ER, George MT, Etchevers CH, et al. Human neural tube defects: Developmental biology, epidemiology, and genetics. Neurotoxicology and teratology 2005; 27: 515-524.2. Nikkila A, Rydhström H, Kallen B. The incidence of spina bifida in Sweden 1973-2003: The effect of prenatal diagnosis. European Journal of Puplic Health 2006; 16(6): 660-6623. Li Z, Ren A, Zhang L, Ye R, Li S, Zheng J, Hong S, Wang T, Li Z. Extremely high prevelance of neural tube defects in a 4-county area in shanxi province, China. Birth Defects Research 2006; 76 (Part A): 237-2404. Block G, Gillespie C, Rosenbaum HE,et al: A Rapid Food Screener to Assess Fat and Fruit and Vegatable İntake. AM J Prev Med 2000; 18(4): 284-2885. Tunçbilek E. Türkiye'deki yüksek nöral tüp defekti sıklığını ve önlemek için yapılabilecekler. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları 2004; 47: 79-84.6. Akar N, Çavdar A and Arcasoy A: High Incidence of Neural Tube Defects in Bursa, Turkey. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemology 1998; 2: 89-927. Say B, Tunçbilek E, Balcı S,et al. Incidence of congenital malformations in a sample of the Turkish population. Hum Hered 1973; 23: 434-4418. Mocan H, Bozkaya H, Özbay G, et al. Neural Tube Defects in eastern Black Sea region in1990. Pediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1992; 6: 4659. Himmetoğlu O, Tiras MB. The incidence of congenital malformation in a Turkish population. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1996; 55: 117-121.10. Suitor CW. Nutrition fo rwomen in their child bearing years: a review of thel iterature and a summary of expert recommendations. Nutr Clin Care 1999; 2: 11-45.11. Bussel G, Marlow N. The dietary beliefs and attrtudes of women who have had a low –birth weight baby: a retrospective preconception study. J Hum Nutr Dietet 2000; 13: 29-3912. Mandıracıoğlu A, Ulman İ, Lüleci E, Ulman C. The incidence and risk factors of neural tube defects in İzmir, Turkey: a nested case-contro lstudy. TheTurkish of Pediatrics 2004; 46: 214-22013. Farley TF, Hambidge SJ, Daley MF. Assosiation of low maternal education with neural tube defects in Colarado, 1989-1998. Public Health 2002; 116: 89-94.14. Muthinick O, Orozco E, Lisker R, et al. Risk factors associated with neural tube defects: exposure during the first trimester of gestation. Gaceta Medica de Mexico 1996;126: 227-315. Lynberg MC, Khoury MJ, Lu X, et al. Maternal flu, fever, and the risk of tube defects: a population-based case-control study. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140: 244-25516. Richards ID. Congenital malformations and environmental influences in pregnancy. Br j Prev Soc Med 1969; 23: 218-22517. Rasmussen AS, Chu SY, Kim SY, et al. Maternal obesity and risk of neural tube defects: a metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008; 198(6): 611-61918. Suarez L, Felkner M, Brender JD, et al. Maternal exposures to cigarette smoke, alcohol, and street drugs and neura ltube defect occurrence in offspring. Matern Child Health J 2008;12: 394–40119. Behrman ER, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17 thEdition 2004: 1983-198720. Mitchell LE, Adzick SN, Melchionne J, etal. Spina bifida. Lancet 2004; 364:1885-9521. Berg KF, Oppen ACCV, Holthe W, Schielen PCJI, et al. Neural tube defects associated with prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs. ReproductiveToxicology 2007; 24:57–8032.22. Li Z, Ren A, Liu J, et al. Maternal flu or fever, medication use, and neural tube defects: A population-based case –control study in northen China. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 2007; 79: 295-30023. Lynberg MC, Khoury MJ, Lu X, et al. Maternal flu, fever, andthe risk of tube defects: a population-based case-control study. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140: 244-25524. Zhang L, Ren AG, Li ZW, et al. Plazma and red blood cell folate level among women in their first trimester of pregnancy from rural areas with high or low prevalance of neural tube defects, China. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue ZaZhi 2006; 27(8): 659-6325. Kirke PN, Molloy AM, Daly LE, et al. Maternal plasma folate and vitamin B12 are independent risk factors for neural tube defects. Q J Med 1993; 86(11): 703-826. Groenen PMW, Rooij IALMV, Peer PGM, at al. Marginal maternal vitamin B12 status increases the risk of off spring with spina bifida. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004; 191: 11-727. Adams MJ, Khoury MJ, Scanlon KS, etal. Elevated midtrimester serum methylmalonicacid levels as a risk factor for neural tube defects. Teratology 1995; 51(5): 311-7 6728.Vander put NM, Thomas CMG, Eskes TKAB, et al. Altered folate and vitamin B12 metabolism in families with spina bifida offspring. Q J Med 1997; 90: 505-51029. Schorah C J, Smithells RW, Scott J. Vitamin B12 and anencephaly. Lancet 1980;19: 88030. Ray J G, Wyatt P R, Miles D T, Marian J V, Cris M, Pui-Yuen W, Sandra A F, David ECC. Vitamin B12 and the risk of neural tube defects in a folic-acid –fortified population. Epidemiology 2003; 18(3): 362-366
Year 2018, Volume: 40 Issue: 4, 413 - 420, 29.12.2018



  • References1. Detrait ER, George MT, Etchevers CH, et al. Human neural tube defects: Developmental biology, epidemiology, and genetics. Neurotoxicology and teratology 2005; 27: 515-524.2. Nikkila A, Rydhström H, Kallen B. The incidence of spina bifida in Sweden 1973-2003: The effect of prenatal diagnosis. European Journal of Puplic Health 2006; 16(6): 660-6623. Li Z, Ren A, Zhang L, Ye R, Li S, Zheng J, Hong S, Wang T, Li Z. Extremely high prevelance of neural tube defects in a 4-county area in shanxi province, China. Birth Defects Research 2006; 76 (Part A): 237-2404. Block G, Gillespie C, Rosenbaum HE,et al: A Rapid Food Screener to Assess Fat and Fruit and Vegatable İntake. AM J Prev Med 2000; 18(4): 284-2885. Tunçbilek E. Türkiye'deki yüksek nöral tüp defekti sıklığını ve önlemek için yapılabilecekler. Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları 2004; 47: 79-84.6. Akar N, Çavdar A and Arcasoy A: High Incidence of Neural Tube Defects in Bursa, Turkey. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemology 1998; 2: 89-927. Say B, Tunçbilek E, Balcı S,et al. Incidence of congenital malformations in a sample of the Turkish population. Hum Hered 1973; 23: 434-4418. Mocan H, Bozkaya H, Özbay G, et al. Neural Tube Defects in eastern Black Sea region in1990. Pediatr Perinat Epidemiol 1992; 6: 4659. Himmetoğlu O, Tiras MB. The incidence of congenital malformation in a Turkish population. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1996; 55: 117-121.10. Suitor CW. Nutrition fo rwomen in their child bearing years: a review of thel iterature and a summary of expert recommendations. Nutr Clin Care 1999; 2: 11-45.11. Bussel G, Marlow N. The dietary beliefs and attrtudes of women who have had a low –birth weight baby: a retrospective preconception study. J Hum Nutr Dietet 2000; 13: 29-3912. Mandıracıoğlu A, Ulman İ, Lüleci E, Ulman C. The incidence and risk factors of neural tube defects in İzmir, Turkey: a nested case-contro lstudy. TheTurkish of Pediatrics 2004; 46: 214-22013. Farley TF, Hambidge SJ, Daley MF. Assosiation of low maternal education with neural tube defects in Colarado, 1989-1998. Public Health 2002; 116: 89-94.14. Muthinick O, Orozco E, Lisker R, et al. Risk factors associated with neural tube defects: exposure during the first trimester of gestation. Gaceta Medica de Mexico 1996;126: 227-315. Lynberg MC, Khoury MJ, Lu X, et al. Maternal flu, fever, and the risk of tube defects: a population-based case-control study. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140: 244-25516. Richards ID. Congenital malformations and environmental influences in pregnancy. Br j Prev Soc Med 1969; 23: 218-22517. Rasmussen AS, Chu SY, Kim SY, et al. Maternal obesity and risk of neural tube defects: a metaanalysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008; 198(6): 611-61918. Suarez L, Felkner M, Brender JD, et al. Maternal exposures to cigarette smoke, alcohol, and street drugs and neura ltube defect occurrence in offspring. Matern Child Health J 2008;12: 394–40119. Behrman ER, Kliegman RM, Jenson HB. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17 thEdition 2004: 1983-198720. Mitchell LE, Adzick SN, Melchionne J, etal. Spina bifida. Lancet 2004; 364:1885-9521. Berg KF, Oppen ACCV, Holthe W, Schielen PCJI, et al. Neural tube defects associated with prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs. ReproductiveToxicology 2007; 24:57–8032.22. Li Z, Ren A, Liu J, et al. Maternal flu or fever, medication use, and neural tube defects: A population-based case –control study in northen China. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 2007; 79: 295-30023. Lynberg MC, Khoury MJ, Lu X, et al. Maternal flu, fever, andthe risk of tube defects: a population-based case-control study. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140: 244-25524. Zhang L, Ren AG, Li ZW, et al. Plazma and red blood cell folate level among women in their first trimester of pregnancy from rural areas with high or low prevalance of neural tube defects, China. Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue ZaZhi 2006; 27(8): 659-6325. Kirke PN, Molloy AM, Daly LE, et al. Maternal plasma folate and vitamin B12 are independent risk factors for neural tube defects. Q J Med 1993; 86(11): 703-826. Groenen PMW, Rooij IALMV, Peer PGM, at al. Marginal maternal vitamin B12 status increases the risk of off spring with spina bifida. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004; 191: 11-727. Adams MJ, Khoury MJ, Scanlon KS, etal. Elevated midtrimester serum methylmalonicacid levels as a risk factor for neural tube defects. Teratology 1995; 51(5): 311-7 6728.Vander put NM, Thomas CMG, Eskes TKAB, et al. Altered folate and vitamin B12 metabolism in families with spina bifida offspring. Q J Med 1997; 90: 505-51029. Schorah C J, Smithells RW, Scott J. Vitamin B12 and anencephaly. Lancet 1980;19: 88030. Ray J G, Wyatt P R, Miles D T, Marian J V, Cris M, Pui-Yuen W, Sandra A F, David ECC. Vitamin B12 and the risk of neural tube defects in a folic-acid –fortified population. Epidemiology 2003; 18(3): 362-366
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Medical Science Research Articles

Aslıhan Sanrı

Metin Karayel

Ummet Abur

Engin Altundag

Omer Salih Akar

Handan Celik

Migraci Tosun

Canan Aygun

Gonul Ogur

Publication Date December 29, 2018
Acceptance Date December 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018Volume: 40 Issue: 4


AMA Sanrı A, Karayel M, Abur U, Altundag E, Akar OS, Celik H, Tosun M, Aygun C, Ogur G. Frequency and Risk Factors of Neural Tube Defects In Samsun Province. CMJ. December 2018;40(4):413-420. doi:10.7197/223.vi.441516